New Episode Posted – USS Constitution, Butterfly Hatch, and Bobbing for Bilge Treasure

This week we remove the butterfly hatch to expose the framework and request that the boatyard do some finish fiberglass work on the edge. A week or so ago, we noticed a drip down below and it was coming from the lower side of the forward beam that supports the large hatch. I removed the hatch and believe that a preventative measure will be to have the fiberglass round up the larger lip that houses the hatch. We removed this hatch and refinished it a few years ago before we had removed the teak decks. If you want to see that refit video, please take a look here.

I also had to go out of town for business and spent the week in Boston. I wanted to go do some tall ship sailing but it wasn’t the right season. I also wanted to check out a civil war fort, but that also wasn’t open yet. I did, however, decide to go see the USS Constitution. This is the oldest commissioned Navy boat there is. She goes by the nickname of “Old IronSides,” a name taken on in her first battle when the opposition commented that the cannonballs bounced off her thick wooden hull like it was made of iron.

I also get a great story from the GrandSquid on the drive over to the boat. She has some imagination telling me all about a killer spider with a broken heart that ate half her body and that is how she turned into a mermaid. 🙂

We also use the little-known method for getting tools out of the bilge. It is the Dip your Granddaughter by her ankles method. It is pretty fun and she enjoyed it as well.

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Tools and supplies we use regularly can be found here:

Video equipment used is: Canon Vixia G40

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