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Swab plays with dinosaurs

Playing with dinosaurs

Swab wants to show you how she plays with dinosaurs. As you know if you are frequent reader of this blog, or viewer of our youtube channel, we make videos. Lots of them. About all subjects. It is not uncommon that the girls will be around us when we do, or even want to be in some of the videos.

This week as I was recording a how to video on a sewing project, Swab was hanging out and playing in the background. When I was done and started cleaning up, she asked if she could record a video.

Knowledgable about dinosaurs

Swab was playing with all her dinosaur figures and wanted to show her level of expertise. I was impressed with most of it, but as you watch the video below you can also tell she has the gift of gab. The lexicon of BS. She was making up dinosaur types and just spouting them off like truths. That scares me a bit 🙂

Catch Phrase

When I edit my videos, I find and often edit out my catchphrase of “So.” I will start sentences with it. Clearly, this has taken root in Swabs head too. You will see she is a prolific user of the word “so.” She uses it like some people inhale air or say Um.

Enjoy the 5-year old’s video

Yes, of course I put the clips together for her into a single video with a bit of music behind it and just cut it down to this length. Before I edited it down, there were over 30 minutes of her talking into the camera. Some of it had me laughing out loud as I was going through the footage.

Read other blog posts featuring the Grandsquids.

Enjoy. Oh, and you will get a first hand account of what she thinks of living on the boat versus the camper.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kuxz8UBIpxs[/embedyt]

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